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What should you do if you lose your documents in Turkey?

The loss of documents is always an extremely unpleasant event, at any time and in any country. But none of us is immune to the vagaries of fate or even to our own negligence. What should you do if you lose your documents in Turkey?


lose your documents


Of course, the least troublesome situation is if you have Turkish citizenship and have lost your kimlik (citizen’s ID card), for example. You should then report the loss as soon as possible by dialling the short number 199 and go to the nearest Population Agency. There, you fill in a form, pay a fine of 60 liras, and the new kimlik is delivered to your residence (registration) address.

Now, for foreign nationals who do not have Turkish citizenship and have lost important documents, here is how to proceed. So, if you have lost your residence permit, work permit, passport of your country of origin etc, the FIRST thing you should do is to go to the nearest police station and report the loss of the document.

If you lose your residence permit card you should take this to the Immigration Department where you will also need

– a certificate of address from the Population Information Centre
– passport + copy
– application form (available locally).

After you have submitted your application, you will receive a receipt, which you will need to pay at the tax office.

You will need to pay the card issue fee + half of the annual residence permit fee and give the receipt to the migration office. No rental agreement, photographs, bank statements, etc. will be required. Your new residence permit card will arrive at your place of residence and will have the same validity period as the one you lost.

If you lose your work permit, you must:

– make a request for a new permit card in the system where the initial application was made
– send a police report about the lost document
– pay the taxes and charges upon approval.

If you lose your country’s international passport, you have to go to your country’s consulate to get a new one provided by the police.
(for permanent residence in Turkey with a residence permit) or to get a white passport (certificate for returning to your country without a passport).


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