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Education sector in Turkey

Education sector in Turkey

Education sector

A few decades ago, the Turkish government consciously invested heavily in the education sector and gave the Ministry of National Education the task of bringing the Turkish education system up to European level.

This has gradually yielded very good results: The level of education in Turkish universities is now as high as in Europe.
The Turkish diploma is recognised among European Union countries.

Turkey actively participates in student exchange programmes under Erasmus+ (after entering a Turkish university, you can study at a European university).

Another point that may surprise many people is that knowledge of the Turkish language is not required for study – you can choose from English, German and French. In addition, national language classes are offered in the first year and students are fluent in Turkish by the second year.

Meet the top five most prestigious universities in the country.

  1. Bilkent: Turkey’s most prestigious university.
    Founded in 1984, this private university is known for its scholarship programmes and talented graduates focusing on political science.
  2. Orta Doğu Technical University, founded in 1956.
    It is known as Turkey’s first European-type higher education institution specialising in international cooperation.
  3. Boğaziçi University: Opened in 1863 as a school, but later became a university, particularly recognised for its Computer Science Department.
  4. Sabanci University: A broad-based university, but with an emphasis on economics and finance.
  5. Koc University opened in 1993 for those wishing to study Biology and Pharmacology. The institution’s best advertisement is its graduates: They won the TUBA science prize in 2016.


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